Thursday, January 27, 2011

winter at home

So far this winter our family has been through series of ups and downs.  The ups are way up.  The downs are in the dregs. 

There have been days of supreme boredom and days of supreme creativity.  They usually accompany one another in some way. 

I have found this winter to be one of magic, but also of sighs and silences and wondering what will happen next.

Nothing is certain and no plans necessarily go off as originally planned.

I am learning to deal with this and praying for a change in my life, in my outlook - so that I can embrace it.

Jonahs lunch time creation.

During a visit to my parents for the express purpose of experiencing PA winter.

I was blogging or something  :-)
"Twizzle Stix" - Jonah's creation and strewing success!

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