Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Living Life.

Things are still hanging in constant, tender, balance with staying here and leaving in our bus.

The work on the bus continues, and we continue to wait for a way to go, to leave... to make it our home.

This Saturday we're hosting a bus painting party with lots of color and pizza for friends and family.  Hoping for a great turn-out and good weather and lots of happy, supportive people surrounding our family. 

Michael has finished most of the master bedroom and work on Jonah's bedroom.  Some of the wiring has been completed.  The work is slow since we've had to stop a few times in the middle to handle extreme leakage, including replacing large portions of our floor.

We've had several house showings.  Please pray for more, and for interest and offers.  They are stressful, but they are necessary.

In the midst of it all I've learned to use a table saw and made several cuts with it and the hand-saw for various pieces.  I've brainstormed summer plans.  I've auditioned for plays and turned down offers of roles and directing gigs because we are trying to go.  It is important to keep the going in mind, even as we continue to live our lives here in Southern Maryland. 

I've been getting better at striking the right balance.  At staying patient while living in the moment.  I made a bucket list of things I'd like to do this summer.  Things besides leaving.  Like bonfires and cooking great food and camping in tents and counting stars.  We celebrated our daughter's fourth birthday.

Vegan cupcakes with vanilla and chocolate frosting.

A "blue" cake.

The beautiful birthday girl.


Our table and kitchen and our favorite babysitter at present.

Opening presents with just a little vanilla frosting on her chin...
And it was good.

It has been such an EXTREME blessing to be able to watch this beautiful human being grow and change and evolve.  Loving it!  (Even the tough days.)

The air is growing warmer.  Instead of growing hopeless in our situation, I'm trying to look on the bright side.  Trying to relish the extra time to plan and build and dream.  Making brainstorming projects about the home in our future.  Thinking about learning to do new things that will benefit us on the road. 

And cooking healthy whole foods for us to enjoy along the way:

Dark Salad:  romaine, clover sprouts, blueberries, walnuts, onions...  all organic.

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