Jonah running to ditch his t-shirt. |
the group hanging out in the tidal pools - Maeryn running on the right. |
the whole group |
teamwork |
We spent the afternoon at a local beach at the playground and in the tidal pools. The day was chilly, but that didn't stop the kids from jumping in, throwing mud, running through the sand, and wading through the freezing water. It was around 2:45 PM when these pictures were taken. One of the moms wondered aloud: "What would they be doing right now, if they were in school?"
Our group is made up of kids ranging in ages from infant to young adult. I'm so thankful for this amazing group of children and parents. Before I found these other moms and their kids I felt alone and weird and worried about friends for Jonah - now I don't have to worry. We get together once or twice every week to hang out, play, and live.
Are you a homeschooling family? Do you have a homeschooling group? What are the best things about it? If you don't have a group, what would you like to see in a group of homeschooling kids and parents?
Photo credits: Erin Kluever
Lovely Beach Photos!
I just found your blog through the unschool link. I am a new follower. I hope you don't mind my footprints we school on the road sometimes as well.
:) Thanks for your comment! Glad to have new followers :) You'll have to let us know the best places to go!
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